On 21st December at 22.47, the northern hemisphere of the Earth will be at its furthermost tilt from the sun. Up here in chilly Northern Sweden, that means little sunlight and the longest night of darkness of the year. But this is also the turning point. What has been growing darker, now starts to be conquered by the growing light. Sunlight that will start to nourish the plants and grow the seeds and fill us with abundant energy again.
We at be.human.natural believe strongly in aligning ourselves with the rhythm of nature and the seasons and the Winter Solstice is a very spiritual time. In the darkness we have time to rest, time to reflect, time to deepen our understandings of our souls and then bring their hidden messages forward and into the world in the growing light of Spring.
During our Winter Solstice Retreat you will uncover the hidden powers within you. The power to feel deeply and embrace the cold, reveal your own strength and resilience and be your human natural self in fullness and beauty.
We will guide you with breathwork and movement and let nature show you her cold beauty. We will nurture you with natural, delicious and sustaining food. We will teach you the skills of your ancestors to awaken the ancient power within you to let go of modern technology and survive by your own bare hands. We will thrill your senses to feel truly alive; the wind rushing past you as you lead your team of dogs through the forest, the warm sun on your bare skin as you hike through the cold still air, the thrill of the icy water as you slip your body into the lake, the heat of the open fire on your face and the crackle of flames in your ears, the sound of stillness in the dark sky as you lie down to sleep. Intense, colourful bands of energy dancing across the dark night sky.
Our Winter Solstice Retreat is not just a Wim Hof retreat, it’s the shift you have been waiting for, longing for, the awakening of the power within you to live to your true potential in the natural world that surrounds you.
For full details and to reserve your spot, hop over to our booking page or contact us for payment plan options.
As with all our retreats this year, places are limited to 8 so be sure to book yours now!
Take a look at our website, or find us via the Wim Hof booking portal, and do something to change YOUR life today. We look forward to seeing you soon!
Follow us or get in touch:
Website: www.behumannatural.com
Instagram: @be.human.natural
Facebook: @be.human.natural
See also our dedicated Instagram nutrition page packed with mouthwatering recipes and ideas:
Instagram: @catherinepohlnutrition
Facebook: @catherinepohlnutrition